After a few out-there excursions, I'm getting back to the basics with the 1995 album by The Psyclone Rangers. Unfortunately, there's not much info available about these guys. On the one hand, they had the frenetic cerebral leanings of college music, but on the other hand, the plodding, noise-ridden track "Nazi Mother" may as well be a tribute to Soundgarden. Sorry, but I can't provide any of my usual trivia about this particular band; they, like The Almighty, Gruntruck, and The Royal Trux, seem to be a forgotten remnant of an era in which any college/alt/grunge band was virtually guaranteed a record contract.
Why The Hell Did I Die?
The singer, Johnathan Valania, writes a column for the alt weekly in Philadelphia. If you write him an email, he sometimes answers.
Listening to that album right now!
The bass player is still gorgeous :)
This band is one of the greatest garage rock bands to come out of the malaise of the '90s. Criminally underrated. Listen and absorb the beer and gasoline imbedded in the music. they are the mutant bastard sons of Ivy from The Cramps and The Rev. Horton Heat. Listen And Be Converted!
I believe the other 3 (other than the previously-accounted-for Jonathan Valania) are still in the Lehigh area. Jamie Knerr plays (played?) with Brother JT, I think Scot Dantzer is still involved in the music stuff & PR Behler is still peripherally involved in music.
Scot (the guitar player) here. Thanks for the kind comments & keeping it alive. Tho I guess I can't officially condone the free download I'm glad somebody at least cares.
Do you guys still play at all? Any hope of a reunion?
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The pregnant silence suggested the comment might not be anexaggeration. He waseither resting or overwhelmed at the sensations he could now feel.
Scot: No reunion, sorry. overweight bdsm stories? All night long!
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